前陣子終於考完 GRE 了,從水深火熱的考試地獄之中解救出來,回到水深火熱的研究地獄。以這篇文章紀念過去兩個月來的努力,以及分享一下自己在路途上的心得。這不會是個典型的考試準備文,更不會是考試技巧文,而是我在當下以及事後回頭看,會如何看待這些日子做對了什麼、做錯了什麼,以及有什麼意料之內與意料之外的收穫。當然不免會提到我是如何準備的,所以如果只是想看怎麼準備 GRE,也許還是會有一些幫助吧,但如果期待看到解題技巧,雖然會點到,但不會著重討論,所以這裡可能沒有很多你要的東西。
Route planning has been one of the most commonly used algorithms in our lives, as satellite navigation devices and digital maps have been pre-installed in almost all modern cars and mobile devices. In this project, I briefly survey the common techniques, algorithms, and extensions of route planning in large road networks. In the end, I showed that, while some advanced algorithms have been developed, there are still many problems waiting to be solved.